Massage and Barefoot Running

The other day I went for a walk.

I could walk or run in the country behind my home. But, the corn is so high (and everywhere), the pollen is annoying, the dust from the gravel roads is…dusty. I am sneezing and clausterphobic a the thought of it. So, I opted for a very short walk from my house to the new high school track.

As I was stretching, I started thinking about massage and then ashiatsu. My mind wandered.

What about barefoot running? I hear about it all the time! Could I do it? Would I like it? What would the high school kids think as they saw this crazy lady running around the track with no shoes and her 5th generation iPod?

I like to grip and feel the ground. It brings me back to the days of gymnastics and running on the springy floor, or down the vault runway. I loved the feel of my feet hitting the floor or ground. Shoes just feel so awkward to me sometimes. I and I am sure many of you barefoot massage practitioners feel the same way.

I decided I wanted to try it.

Just not that day.

I needed to do a little research first.

I am not an expert on barefoot running. But here are some articles (read the comments too) about barefoot running:
Chris McDougall
Runners World

I know I do not want any wounds on my soft, working feet. I want to protect them. Shoe companies have developed “minimalist running shoes” to help those who would like to try barefoot running, but protect their feet a little more. I am looking into those now.

Do you run barefoot too? I would appreciate some feedback!

Getting Your Feet Ashi-Ready

Maybe you’re thinking of becoming an ashiatsu barefoot practitioner. Maybe you practice ashiatsu already and you are looking for ways to keep your feet smooth between pedicures.

Having smooth feet for barefoot work is essential. Pedicures are one of the best ways to get your feet ready for barefoot work. Professional pedicures are great, but they also can be costly if you find the need to go often. Maintenance at home is one of the easiest and most cost effective ways to keep your feet ashi-ready. I am going to share a few tips with you. [Read more…]