Chavutti Thirumal – One Rope, Two Feet & Healing Oils

As you most likely know by now, Chavutti Thirumal is not widely practiced in the United States. Courses for massage practitioners to take in the United States are even more scarce. If you have ever thought about taking a course, plan on a trip to the UK (where it is practiced more so than in the US). Or, plan a trip to where Chavutti Thirumal (or Thirummal) all began (in India) for a few weeks. If you want to learn more about this modality before you fly half way around the world, there is one book you should have. [Read more…]

Best Creams for Ashiatsu

In my opinion, massage cream is the perfect medium for Ashiatsu. Creams create a smooth glide and typically have long-lasting work-ability – two musts for an ashiatsu practitioner. Creams also have less slip than oil. Slip is definitely something you do not want as an Ashiatsu practitioner.

Clients prefer creams because they absorb like a lotion, and have a luxurious (non-greasy/oily) feeling.

So, which cream is best?  There some wonderful products on the market. I like my creams to be fairly natural, but I make some compromises if they smell pleasant and wash nicely out of my sheets. Here are few of my favorites. [Read more…]

Alternative Ashiatsu Portable Bar Systems

I like having options.

I like giving other people options.

One thing I stress in my ashiatsu course, is that what works for me, may not work best for you.  The barefoot strokes can be adapted use with floor mats, stools, staffs, overhead bars, hip level bars, etc…

I have heard people over the years express some concern about having their hands up above their head all day if they practice ashiatsu.  While I have to say, with proper body mechanics, this is rarely an issue.

But again, today is about options.

A couple of weeks ago, I saw these non-overhead bars*** Ashi-Fusion bars posted on Facebook.

***Update – I know this link does not work and I have contacted the owner of the site asking if they are still available. I have not received a response. If you find any portable bar systems, please share below. Thanks!

Liability Insurance for Ashiatsu

Does my professional liability insurance cover Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage?

Double check to make sure that your professional liability insurance covers ashiatsu or barefoot massage techniques. Most major insurance companies and associations do cover ashiatsu barefoot massage.


From an email I received:
“Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage is covered under the AMTA liability policy, if it is accepted within your state’s legal regulations. So basically, if your state says it is an acceptable and legal modality to practice, the AMTA liability coverage will cover it.”
[Read more…]

What is the Best Massage Cream for Ashiatsu?

Controlled glide is crucial during an ashiatsu massage. In my opinion, creams are a better choice than oils and lotions for ashiatsu, or any other barefoot modalities. Lotions do not provide long workability. Oils and gels create too much slip, which can be dangerous.

Creams offer the perfect blend of extended and controlled workability.

What is my personal favorite? (Thanks for asking.) Without a doubt, it is Sacred Earth Botanicals Cream. If you have never tried SEB products, do your clients and yourself a favor and contact the company for free samples.

Other superior quality, professional products that I am happy to recommend:

• Bon Vital Organica Cream
• Soothing Touch Versa Cream
• Pure Pro Massage Cream
• Biotone Dual Purpose Cream

What do you use in your practice?