Best Creams for Ashiatsu

In my opinion, massage cream is the perfect medium for Ashiatsu. Creams create a smooth glide and typically have long-lasting work-ability – two musts for an ashiatsu practitioner. Creams also have less slip than oil. Slip is definitely something you do not want as an Ashiatsu practitioner.

Clients prefer creams because they absorb like a lotion, and have a luxurious (non-greasy/oily) feeling.

So, which cream is best?  There some wonderful products on the market. I like my creams to be fairly natural, but I make some compromises if they smell pleasant and wash nicely out of my sheets. Here are few of my favorites. [Read more…]

Hip and Upper Leg Stretching / Flow

Yesterday I promised upper leg and hip stretches for ashiatsu practitioners. Since we did Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) yesterday, today I have a few yoga sequences/flows. I mentioned that upper leg and hip soreness is the most common complaint I hear of from new ashiatsu practitioners. Learning to have greater control your legs and foot movements takes time and practice, but is essential in becoming a great barefoot therapist. I recommend starting some type of leg/hip strengthing and stretching before and after training.

The below videos are about 20 minutes long (total) and are a great place to start.
[Read more…]

Lower Leg and Foot Stretches (AIS)

Yesterday I decided I would venture out and try my first barefoot run. It went great! I started with a mile and then walked to cool down. The good news is that my feet feel great. The bad news is that I feel like my calves are going to explode.

I found this Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) protocol on YouTube. It is for the lower leg and foot. It is very thorough and just what I needed today. I know how many people can be sore when they start out as ashiatsu practitioners. Typically, upper leg and hip soreness is common when learning to use those upper legs in a new way (stabilization!). I will post a stretching video on that next. But today is lower leg stretching. This would be a great warm up before work or at the end of a long day for new and experienced practitioners

Just because ashiatsu uses gravity more that other methods, does not mean that self care and stretching is any less important!

Have fun!

I Drew The Short Straw

When I was in massage school many years ago, I remember our business teacher said “she drew the short straw” and was going to have a talk with us that day. What that meant is that she got to have that uncomfortable conversation with the class about things that could happen during a massage. Things that can happen which are totally innocent on the part of a male client, or something that maybe signals you to believe a client could be inappropriate. Okay, you understand where I am going with that, right?

Moving on…

So, today I am drawing the short straw. Mostly because I want to keep people off your massage table that are looking for something other than a therapeutic ashiatsu barefoot massage. [Read more…]

Ashiatsu Massage Board on Pinterest

Here is my Pinterest board for ashiatsu and barefoot fun: Ashiatsu on Pinterest

I will add more of my favorite ashiatsu products, pictures, quotes, and tips for foot/nail care.


Photo: © Cristina |

Massage and Barefoot Running

The other day I went for a walk.

I could walk or run in the country behind my home. But, the corn is so high (and everywhere), the pollen is annoying, the dust from the gravel roads is…dusty. I am sneezing and clausterphobic a the thought of it. So, I opted for a very short walk from my house to the new high school track.

As I was stretching, I started thinking about massage and then ashiatsu. My mind wandered.

What about barefoot running? I hear about it all the time! Could I do it? Would I like it? What would the high school kids think as they saw this crazy lady running around the track with no shoes and her 5th generation iPod?

I like to grip and feel the ground. It brings me back to the days of gymnastics and running on the springy floor, or down the vault runway. I loved the feel of my feet hitting the floor or ground. Shoes just feel so awkward to me sometimes. I and I am sure many of you barefoot massage practitioners feel the same way.

I decided I wanted to try it.

Just not that day.

I needed to do a little research first.

I am not an expert on barefoot running. But here are some articles (read the comments too) about barefoot running:
Chris McDougall
Runners World

I know I do not want any wounds on my soft, working feet. I want to protect them. Shoe companies have developed “minimalist running shoes” to help those who would like to try barefoot running, but protect their feet a little more. I am looking into those now.

Do you run barefoot too? I would appreciate some feedback!

Introducing Ashiatsu to Clients

It is no secret that some of the American public is comfortable with the thought of someone using their feet to massage them. Many of them are just getting used to the idea of massage, and now you want to massage them with your feet!

Introducing ashiatsu to your valuable massage clients is a delicate art.

Learning how to market your ashiatsu skills is an imperative part of training. In my ashiatsu training course we cover many ways to introduce ashiatsu to your clients. This includes focusing on the benefits of ashiatsu to the client (instead of all of the benefits of ashiatsu to you – the practitioner), and debunking the thought that your feet are dirtier than anyone’s hands.

DIY Ashiatsu?

Another way to introduce barefoot massage to your clients is to make a little video like the one below and send it out in a client newsletter, or post it on your website. Let clients try a little informal ashiatsu massage at home where they are comfortable. This video encourages couples to try to massage each other’s feet using their own feet.

How many of your clients have told you their spouse tries to give them a massage but their hands get tired so quickly?

My guess is – a lot.

Show your how to safely try a little ashi at home! You may find that clients (and their spouses) are more willing to give ashiatsu a try the next time they are in your office.